Valerie 10- 11 months
For baby: Grow: Her weight is 5.8kg and height 64cm. Feeding: Valerie given porridge most of the day for her lunch and dinner. She took around 200ml porridge each meal. She starts to show no interest in eating porridge. She likes to eat other things. She likes breads and her baby bites. She drinks less milk now. We give her 100ml to 120ml 3- 4 times per day. She will cry for bottle feed at 9pm and I just give her 40-50ml. Night time: She will sleeps when we off light. She wakes up more frequent now at 1am, 5am and 6am. After give her latch only she continues to sleep. I guess she is hungry and not enough feed Development: Valerie can speak few words, mama, nen nen (milk). Valerie can stand and walk by holding stuff. She can let go her hand and stand for few seconds this month. But she still afraid to walk without holding. She still have only one teeth but in half only. She can clap her hand and waive hand to show good bye. She will ope...