Valerie 14- 15 month
For baby: Grow: Her weight is still 7.5kg and height 70cm. Seem like no increase in weight. Feeding: Valerie likes to eat outside food and like new food. She likes adult biscuit than her baby biscuit. We feed her adult food when she eating with us. She was give 2 main meal at her baby sister house and eat a little bit when dinner time with us. She likes fish oil and I give her bite whole in capsule. She likes all snacks when her sister eating those snacks. She will ask for all kind of food when see us eating. She drinks 100ml -120ml 3-4 times a day. Valerie developed eczema at fold area , both legs and hands. I have been trying few moisturiser but stil not work. I switch her milk formula to engagrow. She has finished her Nutren junior and I dint continue her. Mommy breast milk only have 100-150ml each day. Most of the day during lunch hour I only get 20-40ml. I only breast pumping twice a day during working day. No pumping at all when off day but she also doesn’t latch ...