
Showing posts from November, 2014

Good Aesthetic Clinic at Johor Bahru

”It is something I do for myself. Others go to the hairdresser or buy expensive clothes.” No longer reserved for the rich and famous, aesthetic treatments are now part of the modern day beauty regimen. It is getting popular in age 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's men and women. Aesthetic Medicine is a minimal invasive cosmetic treatment which has undergone clinical research, scientific proven safe and effective. Advances in injectable aesthetic treatments or laser today tackle the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, lines, sagging skin, laser, hair removal and skin problems and etc In the past few years, I have started to look for aesthetic treatment for my problem skin. I have a big pore, pimples, oily skin and sagging caused by ageing although I am in the 20's :( . I felt super depressed at that moment. I am very envy those who has a smooth and young looking face!!! So, I started to look for beauty saloon first. After spent thousand of money at beauty saloon, I found ...


由于这是第一胎,对于坐月子是什么都不懂,更不用说月子里该吃什么,补什么。花了好一段时间在网上读了很多资料,终于了解了大纲,自己篇写了适合自己的30天月子餐食表,总结了比较适合我们马来西亚人饮食的菜单和食物。 本来想订月子餐外卖的,可是我住的城市选择很少,有卖月子餐的很少,也怕食物有放味精。过后有考虑要去坐月中心的,同样的也是我住的城市选择很少,有的环境也不是很好,不像吉隆坡或台湾有环境和服务好的中心。于是我们只好决定在家坐月子。 在家坐月子虽然方便,可是吃是个问题,该找谁来煮月子餐呢?目前坐月婆也还没找到,长辈也不能帮的上,真是好烦!为了怕请到的坐月婆不够好或不懂,所以准备了这自篇的30天月子餐食表,希望到时不会手忙脚乱或为吃什么而烦。 ​ 第   一   週 :     促進新陳代謝 , 調節生理機能 ,  排淨惡露補血補氣 ( 以麻油豬肝為主 ) 天 第 1 天 第 2 天 第 3 天 第 4 天 第 5 天 第 6 天 第 7 天 早餐 生化汤( 100cc )约 1/3 碗 麻油猪肝 麻油猪肝 麻油猪肝 麻油猪肝 麻油猪肝 麻油猪肝 麻油猪肝 面线 面线 面线 面线 面线 面线 面线 麦片饮料 麦片饮料 麦片饮料 麦片饮料 麦片饮料 麦片饮料 麦片饮料 早点 红豆汤 红豆薏仁汤 红豆汤 红豆薏仁汤 红豆汤 红豆薏仁汤 红豆汤 红枣党参桂圆 茶 红枣党参桂圆 茶 红枣党参桂圆 茶 红枣党参桂圆 茶 红枣党参桂圆 茶 红枣党参桂圆 茶 红枣党参桂圆 茶 午餐 生化汤( 100cc )约 1/3 碗 黑豆杜仲燉排骨 滋補杜仲排骨湯 ...