5 - 6 months
For baby: Grow: Victoria weight 6.9kg and length 68cm. Feeding: Victoria was fed with 160ml to 180ml 3 hourly and 200ml at week 23.. Her last feed at 9pm to 10pm. She latched just before sleep until both of us fall asleep. She has no or less burp now after feeding. I gave her direct latching when I am not working. If working day, I will give her direct latching at evening, and bottle feed her at night. Sometimes she went to sleep sooner than I before I get myself free. We plan to start her first feed when she turns 6 months but we started her a week earlier (23 week). We fed her carrot puree and then pumpkin puree. For the beginning, sometime she refused to take, so we mix some breast milk together then she can accept it. Generally, she can accept to eat it. It was a mess. Her clothes and face to neck was very dirty because the puree is very watery and half of it came out from her mouth Night time: We found she turned over herself or sleep in another position or corn...