
Showing posts from October, 2015

7 to 8 months (28 to 32 weeks)

For baby: Grow: I has no weight her because started from this month, she no needs to go back to clinic for any follow up or jab. Feeding: Victoria continued her puree and she has eaten many types of food now. I fed her brown rice cereal at 7 months. She has been given carrot, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato (yellow, purple, orange color), apple, plum, peach, banana, kiwi, pear and cabbage when she was about 7 months. Then I gave her brown rice cereal mix with vegetable and fruits when she turned 7 months. We introduced her broccoli, papaya, tofu, tomato, cauliflower, mustard green, Quaker oat at this month and her first protein - fish at 30 weeks. After 2 weeks of low appetite due to teething period, her appetite returned slowly when she 27 weeks. She was fed with 650 to 800ml breast milk 3- 4 times per day and 60ml- 80ml puree mix with cereal 2 times per day.  Sometimes she can finish all her milk and food very quickly and easy, but most of time we found she is very d...