7 to 8 months (28 to 32 weeks)

For baby:

I has no weight her because started from this month, she no needs to go back to clinic for any follow up or jab.

Victoria continued her puree and she has eaten many types of food now. I fed her brown rice cereal at 7 months. She has been given carrot, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato (yellow, purple, orange color), apple, plum, peach, banana, kiwi, pear and cabbage when she was about 7 months. Then I gave her brown rice cereal mix with vegetable and fruits when she turned 7 months. We introduced her broccoli, papaya, tofu, tomato, cauliflower, mustard green, Quaker oat at this month and her first protein - fish at 30 weeks.

After 2 weeks of low appetite due to teething period, her appetite returned slowly when she 27 weeks. She was fed with 650 to 800ml breast milk 3- 4 times per day and 60ml- 80ml puree mix with cereal 2 times per day. 

Sometimes she can finish all her milk and food very quickly and easy, but most of time we found she is very difficult to feed her food. Probably she doesn’t like her food and milk? If she really refuse to eat and cry like hell, I will stop from feeding her food after some tries. We found it is easier to make her eat if we feed her at outside. Majority of time she could not finish her milk and I have to keep it until next milk time or next morning. Lucky, she still can drink continuously 200ml when fed by her baby sister. Sometimes, she drinks only 120 to 160ml. So I end up an average 5 days of milk storage in fridges.

Night time:
Her sleeping time is more consistent now. She sleeps around 1030pm every night and no more nap after 8pm. She wakes up very consistent at 6am in this month. She will stand up in her crib and cry for attention. Most of time she cannot finish her early morning milk, she drinks about 140ml only instead we gave her 150ml to 180ml. After milk, she will not continue her sleep anymore. She will only continue to sleep in our bed after some time and will cry loudly if we put her back in her bed. She is very sensitive and will cry even after she has slept in our bed. Sometime she just doesn’t want to continue her sleep but she is fine if we put her into her playground.  
For certain night, she cries few times throughout the night and after we hug her she sleep again.

Victoria can stand up herself by holding something and she always try to leave one hand.

She can understand and follow instruction. Such as ‘shake head’ , ‘sayang aunt’.

She is about to cry when we leave her alone and she cannot see us.

She likes to call loudly. Is it the time she is ready for her first pronunciation?

She has her first fever and flu at her 30 weeks. She was given 3 medicines for her mild fever and running nose. She is fine when we fed her medicine on the first time, then she refused to be fed after that. She knows already even the medicines are sweet but she doesn’t like them.

She has her first time flew to Penang at 7 months (28 weeks). She started cry when about departing. To avoid she making further noise, I quickly direct feed her and calm her down. After that she slept all the way until landing.

Playing time:
She can sit and play in her playground herself for a period of time without crying or accompany. She likes to eat all her plastic toys.

She likes to play together with her cousin, she is happy and doesn’t sleep.

For Mommy:
Mommy have to prepare puree and cook cereal every morning then bring to her baby sister’s house. So I have to wake up abit earlier then before. In this month, I am busier at work and unable to off on time, most of time I go back at around 6pm to 8pm. Victoria started to cry when around 7pm if I still not go to bring her home, her baby sister could not calm down her. I guess she wants to go back home.

I still have about same volume of milk expressed out each day. 700 to 800ml daily. 


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