
Showing posts from April, 2020

Mee Hoon kueh 面粉糕

Dough for mee hoon kueh 250g all purpose flour 100ml water 1 egg (lightly beaten) 1 tbsp oil 1tsp salt Soup 100g ikan bilis (anchovy), washed and cleaned 2 litre water 150g minced pork 1 tsp corn flour ¼ tsp sesame oil 1 tsp soy sauce white pepper 3 chicken wings, segmented (optional) egg 2 cups leafy vegetables (e.g. chinese spinach, chye sim) Garnishing 100g ikan bilis (anchovy), oven toasted till golden brown and crisp Spring onions, chopped Instructions Mee Hoon Kueh Combine flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Combine water, egg and oil in a large measuring cup. Make a well in the flour mixture and pour the liquid ingredients into the well. Use a wooden spoon and mix till well combined. Knead dough for about 5-10 minutes until dough is smooth and less sticky. Cover bowl with cling wrap and set aside for 1 hour. Soup base Boil ikan bilis in water for about 45 minutes. Strain soup and set aside. To cook (individual portions) H...


1st recipe: 200克  面粉  140 毫升 冰水  1 茶匙  盐 2nd recipe: (not so sticky) 250g 面粉 2g salt 140-150ml 煮烧水  在大搅拌碗中将面粉,水和盐拌匀。揉成光滑的面团 (不贴干净的手)。置于一旁20分钟。 竖着将葱白色部分切半,然后大略剁碎。细细切碎剩余部分葱。洋葱切丝。 在工作台上撒面粉。将一块面团擀一个圆形 厚度1-2毫米,抹上一小勺油在中间,再把旁边的面条对折沾油。表面撒上葱。 将面团从一端卷起成长面团,再向反方向转面团。后在卷成球状;用手掌压扁。用湿布包好。静置20分钟后,擀成煎锅大小的饼状。 在大煎锅中用中火加热油。放入葱油饼,煎2-3分钟至金棕色,再翻另一面,把锅盖上至金棕色。把油饼从高处大力的往下甩几次。煎油饼金褐色就行了