4- 5 months

For baby:

Victoria weight 6.2kg and lenght 65cm.

Victoria was fed with 140ml to 160ml 3 hourly. Her last feed at 9pm to 10pm. She latched just before sleep until both of us fall asleep. She has no  or less burp now after feeding.

We tried to give her first 'mi hu' (brown rice drink) at week 18 but was unsuccessful because the milk bottle holes is not big enough. So we decided to postpone to start when she turn 6 month.

Night time:
We found she turned over herself or sleep in another position or corner during night time. She turned over and head raised up when she cried for milk at night. She woke up at night for milk earlier at 5am to 6am . I guess she has not get enough milk at night time before sleep. Just got few times, she will wake up at 3am if she slept very early at 9pm or her last feed at 830pm.

She is naughty now, she does not want to continue her sleep after feeding. She is awake and want to her father to hug her and walk around. Pity her father have to make her continue to sleep after 1 hours. When we put her back in her bed, she will make noise and cry when she failed to turn around or whatever she felt uncomfortable. Both of her father and mother are pretty tire because of she din't continue her sleep after feeding. If I let her latch, she will continue her sleep after few minutes. We guess she is not enough milk, but she still make noise after we fed her 160ml instead of 140ml. Or maybe just want to get some comfort.

Victoria very curious to her surrounding now. She likes to see around and even distract herself while latching and turn around to her surrounding voices.

She tends to move her right leg then her left leg. We guess she will become left brain dominate in later day.

She responses very good to people and likes to smile whenever people calling her.

She likes to see what other doing now. She looks at the food when her mom is eating in front of her. She will eat whatever her toys, clothes, books and teether. I guess it's time for her to get ready to her eat but we decided to withold until she is 6 month.

Playing time:
She starts to have interest in her toys. She can hold and play her toys now. She tried herself very hard to move around when put her in bed but will cry if she failed to do so.

For Mommy:
Felt more tire compare to last month. One reason is have to travel farer to new office and second reason is baby naughtier and need to hug her or play with her more.


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