
Showing posts from September, 2015

Good Laser Treatment

I am not one of those people who was blessed with perfect skin. I had suffered from acne, enlarged pores, scarring, super oily and some hyperpigmentation from a young age. I hate my face and envy those good skin people. I always said my face can be used to cook ‘roti canai’. It’s oily enough to be used for cooking. It’s really a self-esteem killer. I’ve tried many ways, skin care product, go beauty salon do facial, go see skin doctor before seeing any aesthetic doctor, applied multiple creams, the scrubs, the exfoliants, the mediation and lotions! When all else fails I cake on the make-up and hope for the best! This was my state of mind, go for aesthetic procedure. There are definitely doctor.products out there that will help to soften and brighten up my post acne skin but it is not good enough. For best result, I visit the world of lasers to really get those WOW results. When the time I almost want to give up to my face, finally I met this aesthetic doctor after tried fe...

6 to 7 months (24- 28 weeks)

For baby: Grow: Victoria weight 7.05kg and length 72cm. Feeding: Victoria was started with her first solid food at week 23. Just one week earlier than 6 months old. We fed her carrot puree for 3 days, then pumpkin puree for 3 days, follow by potato 3 days and sweet potato by 3 days. We added one type of food every 3 days and mix together. She has given carrot, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato (yellow, purple, orange), apple, peach, pear, banana, kiwi, and cabbage at 27 week. I mix everything in each meal so she can have more nutrient from variety of food. The major is potato because it makes the puree not taste so sweet since all food are very sweet. She likes sweet potato, pumpkin and banana while she doesn’t like much potato and carrot. I guess because of not so sweet taste. She was fed with 40 – 50ml puree 1 times per day for 1 week then followed by 50- 80ml puree 2 times per day. For the first 2 weeks she accept it very good. For lunch, her baby sister feeds her 1 hour after...


自从有了宝宝, 整天就是 挤 奶、 喂 奶、吃饭、 上下班。趁着产假,就带着宝宝出远游过夜几天,之后上班了,由于工作要远出,或爸爸工作须要远出,我们便带宝宝一起,一家人顺便走走。宝宝现在才 6 个多月,已经出远门 6 次了。而且每次都好轻松和顺利,一点也不麻烦。行李也不多, 3 个包,我们爸妈和宝宝就出门了。我们都不带多余的物品出门。 我们在宝宝 6 个星期时就带宝宝远游,上吉隆玻几天,爸爸上课,妈妈带宝宝,上完课,大家一起走街购物。接下来,我们也陆续带宝宝上吉隆玻远游几天,每次是爸爸上课,妈妈带宝宝或妈妈去开会,爸爸独自带宝宝,晚上再一起走街购物。 行李: 第一次出远门我们这新手爸妈就轻松的上手完成旅途。行李也没带好多,一个妈妈包(装宝宝外出用品,挤奶器,宝宝冷藏母乳,奶瓶,热水瓶等),一个手提行李包(装妈妈和宝宝的衣物),爸爸独自一个包,手推车和宝宝汽车坐椅就开车上路啦。超方便的。由于我是瓶喂母乳,所以要带更多东西,挤奶器,空瓶,冰块,围巾,挤奶胸带和多余冷藏母乳。 宝宝洗澡: 我们都是抱着帮她洗,大人先脱衣避免弄湿衣服。后来在宝宝 5 个月大时,我就抱着她,一起和我洗澡,因为爸爸不在,放她一个在床,他就会乱爬,怕她滚下床或在那大哭。所以就抱她一起进去冲凉。一起涂肥皂和淋水。可是要非常小心和握紧,因为很滑。 宝宝喂奶: 宝宝都是瓶喂母乳直到 4 个月半才假日时晚上瓶喂,白天亲喂。每 3 到 4 小时一次。 在宝宝瓶喂母乳时,把冷藏的母乳放在冰块包里,走累了,宝宝要喝奶了,便用 热水瓶的烧水隔水加热给宝宝喝,而妈妈也是得在吃饭时或喝下午茶时或坐车时在公众餐厅里用围巾,边挤奶边进食,重点是省时, 加上因找不到喂奶室。在 5 个月时,我就给宝宝白天亲喂,晚上瓶喂,所以,宝宝饿了,我就在餐厅里边用围巾亲喂她。 妈妈们都不必害羞喔。 携带,收藏母乳和消毒奶瓶: 冰袋可用酒店里的冰箱结冰,挤出的母乳可放在酒店里的冰箱,外出时拿需要的就好。热水用酒店的煮烧水器煮,装进热水瓶带出去。消毒奶瓶,用煮烧水烫下就好。 宝宝喂副食品: 我的宝宝 6 个月是进食副食品。她在 6 个月外出是也可吃副食品。把宝宝要吃的副食品的数量放进可用结冰和加热或可放微波炉的罐子放进结冰。出门时,把所有副食品放在保冷包和...

Victoria developmental milestones 0 - 6 months

Every child is unique and develops at her own pace.   Development milestone: new born to 1 month Victoria was blur of feeding, changing diapers,  settling her to sleep , and responding to her wails at t he first days with her 1-month-old . But within a few weeks, she'll start to take more notice of her father and my voice, face, and touch. She can't focus farther but just the right distance for her to gaze at our face. She will pay a few minutes attention when we put a Black-and-white patterns visual training book beside her. She can turn toward familiar sounds, such as your voice as her hearing is fully developed. She has a 1-2 minutes tummy time after each bath since her first month. She can  lift her head briefly or high when first time put her on her tummy at 3 week old. She turns her head to the side when she's on her stomach, but she is still very weak, her head and neck still need support when she's upright. She was excited by movi...

6 months with my little one

Victoria turns 6 months. The time pass just a click away. In this 6 months, Victoria is growing pretty fast and stronger. Thanks god she is pretty healthy since discharged from hospital. For a new mom, I have to give myself a token. I believe I had made a good job and insisted to continue breast feeding and wake up every night to express milk while everyone is in their deep sleep and sweet dream. For a working mom, sometimes it is not easy to continued breast feed, but I had made it and express milk in office in front of other colleagues or while driving or sometimes do it in a construction site. I carry a heavy and big bag go to work every day. Of course, I has faced some obstacles especially I just took this new job at new company to set up a department at a newly open hospital. Travel away a week time to attend a meeting, sometime was busy and unable to express milk, it causes breast sore, leaking and the eventually milk supply run low. I can say it is a force and energy comes...