6 months with my little one

Victoria turns 6 months. The time pass just a click away. In this 6 months, Victoria is growing pretty fast and stronger. Thanks god she is pretty healthy since discharged from hospital.

For a new mom, I have to give myself a token. I believe I had made a good job and insisted to continue breast feeding and wake up every night to express milk while everyone is in their deep sleep and sweet dream. For a working mom, sometimes it is not easy to continued breast feed, but I had made it and express milk in office in front of other colleagues or while driving or sometimes do it in a construction site. I carry a heavy and big bag go to work every day. Of course, I has faced some obstacles especially I just took this new job at new company to set up a department at a newly open hospital. Travel away a week time to attend a meeting, sometime was busy and unable to express milk, it causes breast sore, leaking and the eventually milk supply run low. I can say it is a force and energy comes from a mom who thinking about supplying her baby’s only food. I have to make sure every night I drink plenty of water just to make sure I make myself wake up to toilet and to express milk. I have to tell myself I must wake up and express the milk otherwise my poor baby will out of her milk supply. I am trying to give my baby on full breast milk and avoid formula milk. Luckily, I still able to supply her milk demand and has given her formula milk less than 10 feed since she was 5 week old.

To be a mom, I has forgot about shamefulness. I started to express milk or direct nursing in public restaurant/cafe while go out or when having our long hour shopping. I have no care whether anyone is looking at me or not, as long as I get my stuff done then can continue our day.

We has been travelled with Victoria to Kuala Lumpur 5 times since she was born. Victoria first trip was at her 7 weeks old. All trips were to attend course/on job training and we brought Victoria along and did our shopping at Mid Valley Mall or Pavilion Mall at Kuala Lumpur. Every trip, Victoria slept calmly in her car seat while her father was driving. It is about 4 hours journey to Kuala Lumpur from Johor Bahru. Victoria was enjoying and looking around every time we brought her shopping until sometimes she forgot about her milking time. She supposed to feed every 3 hours but she can last till 4 to 5 hours in between feed. Her father actually did a very good job to take care of her while I was attending my meeting continuously for few days. Her father noticed lot of people looked at him very weirdly because he takes care a baby and feeds the baby alone.

It is another milestones for us and it’s a time to start soft solid food, sit, crawling, speaking and walking. 


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