9 to 10 months (36 to 40 weeks)

For baby:

Her weight is 8kg and height 70cm.

Victoria tries something new for the first time at this month. She is choosy now. Her baby sister cooks porridge most day since 37 weeks when she refused to eat puree when I fed her dinner. She is very excited to eat when we gave her something new. We gave her bread with butter kaya at week 38, she can finish the whole slice but just refuse to take her porridge. She don’t want to eat her usual food but very good appetite when gave her bread, rice cracker and fruits. She refused to eat her usual food but is very keen to eat others food. We are thinking if she is big enough to try those solid food. She eats rice, noodles, eggs, cake, bread, cheese, butter kaya, and even ice-cream. It’s totally like adult food without any obligation. Opps. How her father and mother allow her to eat them and spoilt her.
Her appetite is up and down. Her daily milk intake is 180ml to 200ml 3 to 4 days a day but very frequent she cannot finish her milk and left 40ml. She will wake up for milk at 5am to 7am.

Night time:
Her sleeping time is more consistent now. She sleeps around 1030pm every night and no more nap after 8pm. She wakes up very consistent at 6am in this month or sometimes twice in a night. She cannot finish her milk if wake up too early She wakes up at 130am to 4am and 6am again. But this time she will not cry impatiently when waiting for her milk. She will stand up in her crib and cry for attention. She is better now and can finish her milk and only left about 10ml to 40ml.

Victoria has 6 tooth. She has 4 upper teeth and 2 lower teeth. She can bite things now. She can bite and hold her toys on her mouth and move around. She likes to eat button now. She will pull her shirt up and just to eat its button. She has no interest in her banana and tether now.
She likes to blow and blow the water when drinking and spoon feed her water. Sometimes she likes to suck her cheek too.
She can stand hold for few second without holding anything but still cannot move forward. Nevertheless, she can move and walk with assistant. She can move by holding somethings.
She starts to shout with her very sharp voice at week 38 weeks.
She flips her book herself.
She can clap her hand now.

Playing time:
She can play herself in her playground or bed without making noise for a long time as long as she can see us around.
She likes to throw things and she find it is fun.  She will throw her things when she getting angry and cry.
She likes to eat paper, lotion bottles, cream tube, button, bag handles and spoon.
She flips her book herself.

For Mommy:
Mommy have weight is 52kg now.
Daily milk production has been reduced and average per day 600ml to 680ml. Sometimes the milk collected less than 100ml. The mid night milk collected has been drop and less than 200ml. Victoria’s drinking is more than mommy production. She drinks 700ml to 800ml per day. However, lucky I still got balance stock 4 to 5 days in fridges.

Finally I can off work and bring Victoria home earlier around 6pm. So I have to feed her dinner at around 7pm but she is very incorporate with her mom. 


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