Development milestone 7 to 12 months

After the first six months, we need to put more attention and provide a safety surrounding for our baby at this second half of the years. Victoria is fully engaged with the world now. She smiles, laughs, and has babbling "conversations" with us. And she's on the move now.

Development milestone: 6 to 8 month
Victoria can stand up at week 24th, when she just turn into 6 months. By 7 months, she already can roll to her tummy and back again, sit without help, and support her weight with her legs well enough to bounce when we hold her. She uses a raking grasp to pull objects closer and can hold toys and move them from one hand to another. She can pulls self to standing position, cruises around furniture while holding on. She can follow some instructions like shake head. She can picks things up with thumb-and-finger pincer grasp. She can indicates wants with gestures. 

When you leave her, she becomes distraught and has separation anxiety, but she can play herself for a longer times if we are around her eyesight..

Developmental milestones at 8 to 10 months

Victoria can stand and cruise while holding on something. She may then feel confident enough to let go of any support and stand unaided. She even stoop to pick up a toy when standing. She learns bend her knees and learn to sit after standing.

Her hands are increasingly nimble: She amuses himself putting things in containers and taking them out again. She likes to bangs, drops, and throws objects. She can use his thumb and finger in a pincer grasp to eat finger food, drinking from a cup, points at objects and pretending to talk on the phone. She can uses gestures to communicate like waving, holding arms to be picked up and begins to respond to requests like "Come here" or "Want more?". She uses speech or non crying sounds to get and keep attention.

Developmental milestones at 10- 11 months
Victoria able to stand without support, stoop, and squat at 10 months. She can walk while gripping our hand. She stands alone for a couple of seconds and move a few solo steps at 10 months. She walks on his own at about , but probably a bit unsteadily.

Developmental milestones at 11 to 12 months
Victoria walks independently at 11 months. She likes to call 'papa'. She can sit quietly while eating. She can understand and response to some simple instructions.



Victoria first teeth seen at week 25. Her appetite seriously reduce for 1 weeks.


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