Valerie 7- 8 months

For baby:


Her weight is at 5.5kg and height 62cm. 
Valerie was started her first porridge at 6.5 months after being asked by nurse to feed her porridge to increase her weight. Her baby sister cook porridge with fish or meat with vegetable and give her at 11am and 4pm. At night 8pm I give her purée after latching. She has been given many types of food now. She has been given carrot, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato (yellow, purple, orange color), apple, banana,  pear,  cabbage, tofu, green mustard. months. She is not like her sister who wait until her first protein - fish at 30 weeks and porridge at 7 months. 

Her appetite is more consistent and she likes to eat and is a clean water. She can finish almost half bowl of porridge. 

She can drink milk faster in 5- 10 minutes for 100-140ml each. She was given less frequent of milk now simply because she doesn't like milk so much. Less difficult to feed compare to before weaning time. She drinks around 500-600ml a day. No more mid night and early morning bottle feed. 

Night time:
She will stop all her activity and latch once we off all light and fall asleep. She would like to sleep beside mama and she will wake up and cry sometime if we put her into her bed after she slept. She can sleep well at night and cry one time over the night and it’s time I latch her one side and collect my another side by silicone cup. I will let her latch again at 7am before I go to work. 

Valerie can stand up herself by holding something and she always try to leave one hand. 

She can cry and say some work when she cry. Such as ‘mama, nen nen (milk). len len (cold). It’s a big surprise to heard when she cry and heard those words!

Definitely she will cry when we leave her alone and she cannot see us or I pass her to others family members to hug her. 

She learn from her sister to shout happily when she is happy to play at playground. She will kick her legs when saw I bring her to playground or when seeing I and her sister coming to her baby sister house after school. 

She fly to penang for the second time this month. She is good and drink milk and eat her purée in plane when flying to Penang. She is sleeping well when flying back to JB. 

Playing time:
She can sit and like to play toys and put in her mouth. She like to bite the Yu Yee oil bottle every changing time after bath. 

She like to play whatever her sister play and grab the toy. 

For Mommy:
Mommy have to prepare puree every other day and keep in fridge to feed her at night. 
Luckily I can off work almost on time. After fetching both babies. I cook for dinner and wash bottles stuff then bath n feed Valerie and let her latch before their father Home. 

I expressed milk 2-3 times a day and get. 400 to 500ml daily.

This month Victoria my oldest daughter started her school. Every lunch hour, I need to rush to fetch her back from school to her baby sister house and eat my pack lunch. Valerie was happy to see her come.
Victoria was about crying in the school for about 3weeks say want mama.


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