
Showing posts from October, 2018

Valerie 13- 14 months

For baby: Grow:  Her weight is 6.8kg and height 68cm. Feeding: Valerie likes to eat outside food and like new food. She likes adult biscuit than her baby biscuit. We feed her adult food when she eating with us. I stop cooking her rice bacause she doesn’t like and not eating. I give her whole fill oil capsule started from 1 years old.  She drinks milk mix with formula milk 100 to 120ml 3-4 times  per day.  Night time: She sleep around 1030pm  now after latching and off light.  She wakes up 1-2 times over the night, maybe I guess is hot after giving her thick formula milk. She needs to latch then only continue her sleep. She likes to sleep on our bed.  Development: Valerie can walk independently and freely front and back very fast and stable. She likes to walk alone without someone hold her and will stop at everywhere and different direction with us.  She able to get down herself from our high bed but sometime she just felt off.  Sh...

Valerie 12- 13 months

For baby: Grow: Her weight is 6.5 kg and height is 64cm. Feeding: Victoria is fed with rice , noodles and same food like we eat. At aunt house she stil given rice cook with soup. She sit on high chair but would like to stand up after awhile. She would like to play with folk and spoon with bowl while we give her food. So we give her a play set while feeding her. She likes to throw things on the flow and find it fun. She start to get messy while feeding her now and take very long time to finish her food now. She likes to eat apple, grapes and fruit. She would like to have some whatever we eat. She feel weird when first time she ate cold ice-cream. Maybe because it is cold.  Night time: Her last formula milk 60-80ml top up with latching at around 830-930pm. She will only latching after we off room light and going to bed time. She still will wake up between 1.30 am to 330am just wants to sleep on our bed and wants to latch to continue her sleep. I guess she feel hot throughout th...

Valerie 11- 12 months

For baby: Grow: Her weight is 6 kg height 62cm. Feeding: Valerie started to refuse porridge. We changed to rice porridge lunch and dinner. We started to give her rice, outside food like what we eat.  She drinks less milk now. We give her 100 to 120ml 4 times per day. She is top up with formula milk 1-2 times per day.  Night time:  She sleeps at 1030pm. She will make some noise around 2-3am. After giving her latching, she will continue to sleep and cry again at 6-7am. Only latching throughout the night Development: Valerie can walk by holding her hand and walk 2-3 steps without holding her hand.  She is able to climb up to up stair herself and happy to do that. She is able to sit there and play along as long as I’m visible to her. She will cry or crawl away when she saw her sister came and going to grab her toys on hand. She wants to get down herself from our high bed but she has not stable and would fall down from the bed.  She doesn’t li...