Valerie 13- 14 months

For baby:

Her weight is 6.8kg and height 68cm.

Valerie likes to eat outside food and like new food. She likes adult biscuit than her baby biscuit. We feed her adult food when she eating with us. I stop cooking her rice bacause she doesn’t like and not eating. I give her whole fill oil capsule started from 1 years old. 
She drinks milk mix with formula milk 100 to 120ml 3-4 times  per day. 
Night time:
She sleep around 1030pm  now after latching and off light.  She wakes up 1-2 times over the night, maybe I guess is hot after giving her thick formula milk. She needs to latch then only continue her sleep. She likes to sleep on our bed. 
Valerie can walk independently and freely front and back very fast and stable. She likes to walk alone without someone hold her and will stop at everywhere and different direction with us. 
She able to get down herself from our high bed but sometime she just felt off. 
She can sit and play in her high chair. She likes to self-feed herself and most of time she can finish all her food. She can open and close her drinking bottle now. She still likes to repeat throw her bottle, culinary and food on the floor. So the floor still get messy after her meal and her mommy have to clean it.
We flew to penang again. She can walk out from room and look for mummy at her grandparents house. For the first time she touch sand then she enjoys playing with sand. 
She starts to call ‘mama’ and raise up her head to look at me when she wants me to hug her. 
She will bring you her shoe and point at her shoe to remind me to bring her shoe when going out
She can open and recap her milk bottle.
She can response to instruction. She seem like can understand what we talk to her or ask her to do. She shouts when see us talking on phone with speaker and when saw her father back home.  

She can show you she can understand what you tell her. 
Playing time:
She still likes to throw things out whatever she don’t want including her food when we feed her. Sometimes, She will keep them back after that. 
She will busy playing toys whenever she saw toys. 

She likes to plays under tap water. 

She will use clothes to mop the floor. 

For Mom

Daily milk production has been reduced and average per day 100 to 200ml. Sometimes the milk collected around 20ml to 80ml during day time. 


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