Valerie 12- 13 months

For baby:

Her weight is 6.5 kg and height is 64cm.

Victoria is fed with rice , noodles and same food like we eat. At aunt house she stil given rice cook with soup. She sit on high chair but would like to stand up after awhile. She would like to play with folk and spoon with bowl while we give her food. So we give her a play set while feeding her. She likes to throw things on the flow and find it fun. She start to get messy while feeding her now and take very long time to finish her food now.

She likes to eat apple, grapes and fruit. She would like to have some whatever we eat. She feel weird when first time she ate cold ice-cream. Maybe because it is cold. 

Night time:
Her last formula milk 60-80ml top up with latching at around 830-930pm. She will only latching after we off room light and going to bed time. She still will wake up between 1.30 am to 330am just wants to sleep on our bed and wants to latch to continue her sleep. I guess she feel hot throughout the night. Sometimes she will wake up at 6+am to latch again or I bring her up to latch before I go to work. 


Valerie can walk independently at 1years old 2 week. She can walk freely and fast at 1y 3 week after she get her first new shoe at 1y 2w. 

Valerie can listen to command and instruction now. She can do simple things like bring her clothes and pamper to thrown into the bin. 
She can have her own expression by nodding her head if she wants and shaking her head if don’t want.

 She likes to play water and swimming and when go to playground. She likes to play tape water when take bath and she sit in her bathtub. She uses her hand to get the water and drink the tape water. Sometimes she try to drink her bath water using her toys. 

She stil can’t say more words but she can understand most of time. 

Playing time:
She likes to play toys whenever there is toys and would still get scare when her sister go nearer her to grab her toys. This time she will either shout to her sister or cry to look for mummy. 
She will pass you things that she is holding.

She likes to throw the dirty clothes on the floor into the basket. She also like to keep her toys back to the toys box.

She likes to walk in and out here and there throughout the day.

She is excited when hear her shoe got pee sound when she walk. This has encouraged her to walk more.

For Mommy:

Mommy have weight maintain 54kg. 

Daily milk production has been reduced and average per day 150- 200ml even the number of pumping stil same 2 time during work day. No pumping at all during rest day. Maybe because Valerie doesn’t have effort to latch so that’s supply drop without emptying it.


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