Kingston 6-7 months

For baby:

Kingston weight 7.5kg and length 63cm.

Kingston started with her first solid food at week 24, exactly 6 months on first day of Chinese New Year . I give him carrot purée and he refuse us to feed him maybe because he has phobia of feeding because we given him antibiotic for the past week. He only starts to accept after 5 days. I give him 2 days carrot purée then add potatoes. Then add sweet potatoes and then apple, pumpkin, cabbage, Kai Lan, apple, banana, pear, toufu and etc. This time  I do not follow the rules of trial for 3 days each new food. I'm abit flexible this time.  I start on one daily feeding then twice a day 50ml purée after 2 weeks. 

He was given her milk as usual. He can drinks up to 160-180ml at nanny house. But he usually don’t drink much at home. Early morning and evening which I bottle feed him only can take 100-120ml.  

He has not poo as often before solid. Sometimes he poo after 2-3days. 

He was given porridge 2 times a day starting week 26th. Since then he has less drink milk. In the evening and early morning milk he only can drink 80-120ml. 

Night time:
He sleeps at around 1030pm when we off the room light and give him last latching. I still practice let him direct latch and another side collect with silicone milk collection cup when he starts to making noise. This month he starts to make noise earlier at 2-4am. Not like past few months at 4-6am. He will continue to sleep after latching for 10 -15minutes. He latches shorter time. 

Kingston can sit up by her own and without assistant at 24 weeks . He will cry if we not put him in sit up position.  He likes to grab everything in front or near to him. 

He will swing his hands and legs wherever he is happy or want something. He will always open up his hands and kick his legs when wants us to carry him. 

He will eat and bite everything he hold. He bite hard his banana teether too. He likes to eat his small towel and clothes. 

He likes play with his saliva and blow it. He always got wet on his clothes. 

His first teeth still haven't grow out and nearly can see at week 27th. 

He likes to eats his booties on her legs by bending his body down when in sitting position then up. 

He changes from sit to tummy down and head up then roll over left and right at week 25. He can roll and move at week 27th. 

He can sit in walker. 

He don't want to in boucher anymore. 

He will make noise or cry whenever he is sleepy. 

Generally he is ok with anyone to carry him and will smile and laugh when people calling or playing with him.

He likes to sleep by turning right side position. 

He starts to cry when put him down. 

Playing time:
He will play with his milk bottle and like to put into mouth himself or push away the bottle when he don’t want.  He will put everything inside her mouth. 

He looks around and pulling the things he wants now. 

He takes aeroplane for the first time during Chinese New Year to Penang. First time he goes to penang. He is good. Awake and no crying in aeroplane but he cried sometimes when flying back to JB. Fed him milk in aeroplane. I brought  his  frozen purée to feed her during the stay at penang. He has only 1 poo throughout the 5 days stay.

For Mommy:
Mommy have to prepare puree every morning and bring to his baby sister’s house.

The milk supply is reducing 30%. The frozen milk still have for past 2-3 months.  I have 750-850ml per day. 


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