Kingston 16- 17 months

Kingston can communicate with us. She can answer you by knodding or shaking her head whenever you ask her a question. He can show you what he wants from his gesture. 

For baby:

His weight is 9.8kg and height 75cm. No increase for the past 3 months.

Kingston would like to ask for drink or eat whenever she saw we buy something or drink. He will cry hard if didn’t give him the food. He prefer to feed herself. He is good to feed himself by spoon and fork now. He still like to use his hand to pick the food to eat. He can climb up and down the dining bench to reach out for food. He likes to pass the food from one bowl to another bowl.

He likes all junk food his sisters are eating. He stil happy and like to eat when giving him fish oil and vitamin. 

He drinks 80- 100ml 2-3 times a day at her baby sister house. Sometimes he needs 2-3 times feed only can finish a bottle of milk.  In evening he can finish 60-80ml only. He will asks for latching during night time. He wakes up few times throughout the night to ask for latching. He will cry if he still not enough latching. He can kind his head when you ask him want milk or not. 

Night time:
He used to sleep around 1030pm now after latching. He still wake up few times at night to ask for latching. He will call ‘mama’. He don’t like to cover with our blanket. He likes to sleep in our bed stil and refuse to sleep in his cot. 

His canine teeth and first molar grew out.

He can say more word like: ma ma (mother), nen nen (milk) and momom (eat). But still he don’t say pa pa (father), yeh yeh (grandfather), nai nai (grandmother), bai bai (good bye), ma ma (mother), jie jie (sister). 

He  likes to climb up the table and play whatever on the table.

He likes to play with bloom and clean the floor or take the clothes to clean up the floor. 

He will take the clothes and clean the floor, throw the dirty clothes and diapers into laundry bin and rubbish bin.

He still like to put everything into mouth and bite it, especially when brushing teeth time, he likes to bite everyone toothbrush.

He likes to see and follow what his sister saw are playing. He always grab toys from his sister. 

He knows how to fight back and punches his sister and yelling.

Playing time:
He starts to flip her books and happy pointing at book. 

He starts to gribbles on white board, wall, book, table, chair and everywhere. 

He likes to take his shoes when he wants to go out. He will sit on the door to wear shoes. 

He likes to go out from the house bare foot whenever we open the door.

He can sit alone to play with toys and repeated same toys and likes to play same toys his sisters are playing. 

He likes to play water and kick her legs when on the wet floor or in her bath tub.

He can go up and down himself from the bicycle and playing at playground.

For Mommy:

Mommy weight maintain at 53kg now.

Daily milk production with 2 pumping at work around 300ml per day. 


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