Banana Chiffon Cake


50ml milk (牛奶水) 50g corn oil(玉米油) 150g banana paste (香蕉泥) 40g caster sugar (细砂糖) 120g plain flour(普通面粉或低筋面粉) 1/4 tsp salt (盐) 5 egg yolks (蛋黄) 5 egg whites (蛋白) 1 tsp lemon juice (柠檬汁) 80g g sugar (细砂糖) 22cm (9”) chiffon cake pan 22cm (9寸)戚风烤模, 以130°C烤45分钟,再改160°C 烤15分钟 或以150°C烤45分钟,再改180°C 烤10分钟 Bake in a preheated oven at 130°C for 45 minuets. Then bake at 160°C for 15 minuets. or bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for 45 minuets. Then bake at 180°C for 10 minuets.

  1. Preheat oven to 140C. Use a small food processor to process the bananas into paste. Set aside.
  2. Whisk the egg yolks with sugar until smooth and light yellow. Add oil, milk and mashed bananas. Combine very well. Shift in cake flour, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.
  3. Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form. 
  4. Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites.
  5. Transfer the batter into the cake mould that shouldn’t be non-stick or greased. (The mould you use is very important to get the best result. It helps the cake avoid from shrinking too much after removing from the oven, once the temperature drops.) Pop in the preheated oven and bake 140C for 45 minutes then 160C for 15 minutes. Test it by an inserted needle coming out clean. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould with sharp knife.


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