
Showing posts from June, 2015


转眼间我的小学涵已经四个月大的宝宝了。 要不是外婆的提醒,我这妈妈也不懂这收涎仪式和这仪式是根据农历日期的。所以上个拜六我这妈妈才发现当天宝宝满四个月了。我记得我妈妈说要用蓬饼 / 碰饼(local Pong Pia)串红线给宝宝做收涎仪式和拜家里的神明。 当天刚好是拜六,我一个人在家,于是我赶紧到处去找太阳饼。因 为新山并没有土产饼店或售卖碰饼 (local Pong Pia or Sugar biscuit), 所以我妈妈说太阳饼(Taiwanese Sun biscuits )类似碰饼也可以。 其实马来西亚很难买到收涎餅,台湾超多,而且很可爱 。而我妈妈说只需要太阳饼,什么红龟粿,红鸡蛋都不用。 我找了好半天,才找到了一间台湾人开的店有售卖太阳饼。回家我就和宝宝烧香拜神祭祖,告知神明祖先家里的新生儿满四个月了。要脱离新生儿的阶段了,以请求神祖保佑宝宝长寿。 学涵的外婆封了一包红包和两套衣服给宝宝。按规矩我的娘家要准备一份"头尾礼"送给宝宝。 收涎礼就是以一种民俗仪式,藉由亲朋好友的祝福,祈求婴儿能不再流口水,平安顺利长大,也祈求来年能再添丁,达到多子、多孙、多福气的愿望。宝宝真的好开心。把用红线串着的太阳饼挂在宝宝的胸前,再拿饼放在宝宝的嘴角刮下下,让宝宝不再流口水。当我把太阳饼挂在小学涵的胸口时,她就拿它来舔了。好可爱! 当然四个月的传统仪式不止是收涎仪式,也有开荤仪式。 有些人还有开荤仪式希望宝宝以后吃饭蹦香,身体蹦棒,福建人得礼仪就是除了喝奶以外,宝宝可以开始接受其他食物了(就像鸡啊,鱼啊,饭啊),不过只是让他们舔一舔 。当然6个月后才会给他吃副食品,这只是一个仪式 。 而我却没有给宝宝进行这仪式。 其实开荤仪式&收涎仪式都是让宝宝健健康康长大。

3 to 4 Months

For baby: Grow: Victoria weight 5kg and lenght 62cm. Feeding: Victoria was fed with 140ml to 150ml 3 hourly. She is very good now and can finish her milk in 10 minutes and finish all her milk all everytime. Her last feed at 9pm to 1030pm. I let her latched before her sleep until both of us fall asleep. Victoria milk demand increased and drinks 800ml to 900ml at week 13. Mommy breast milk production has not increase accordingly and some time lesser due to stress at work, so this pity baby have to feed with formula milk once in awhile. :( Night time: Victoria slept very early at around 1030pm started this month and woke up for milk at early morning 6am to 8am. Sometime she woke up when I transfer her from her bed to my car. Just got few times she slept very early at night 830pm and for sure she will wake up for milk at 330pm to 5pm. Development: Victoria likes to turn over from her left each time we put her on bed. She even can turn over at her bouchser also. She still li...

2 to 3 Months Victoria

For Baby: Grow: Victoria is 4.8kg and length 60cm now. Feeding: Baby feeding go up to 110ml to 120ml every 3 hourly. Baby was blessed with full breast feeding and still have 3 days stock in fridge. Night time: Baby Victoria slept a bit earlier now at around 11pm and her last feed at 11pm. She slept over the night and woke up in morning at 5.30am or later for milk then continue her sleep. She woke up only 1 or 2 times earlier than 5am. It is perfect but sometime she woke up at wrong timing for milk at 730am because it's the time I going to work and need to send her to baby sister house. Development: She is a happy baby and likes to say 'Er' and 'Ar' when she is in good mood.  She likes to smile. She smiles and laugh a lot at her baby sister aunt's house. Mostly because aunt like to talk and play with her. This make me started to get upset when baby don't smile to me when I called her. Maybe because I was busy all the time and did not play with her ...

1 to 2 Months

For Baby: Grow: Victoria weight increase pretty fast. She is 4.4kg and length 58cm. Feeding: Yeah, finally mommy can give full breast feeding after a very hard work of trying stimulate more milk production by many ways. Mommy expressed milk every 3 hours (7-8 times breast milk pumping in a day), taking supplement (Lecithin capsule) at week 4 and baby hard work to latch. Baby Victoria was drinking 90ml every 2.5 to 3 hours now. I have not gave her to latch or maximum 1-2 times of latching everyday after she finished her bottle feed since week 4. By doing this way, she will not so confusing and can accept for bottle feed when felt hungry. Yet, she still looking for mommy nipples. Night time: Baby Victoria likes to sleep late in night. She slept at 12 mid night every night. Her last bottle feed was at 11pm to 12.30pm. The good thing is she can sleep over the night at week 5 and woke up in morning at 6am for milk then continue her sleep and wake up at 9am again. Development: S...

New born

My baby Victoria grows pretty fast.  She is 16 weeks today. She is a big big baby now. It is the 112th day I am living my life with a little human in my house. Everything went really well and I was recovering good and I can fit back all my pants and clothes before pregnancy in 10 weeks time when back to work. I am amazed at how we quickly adapted to having each other in our lives. Everything I feels perfect now. First month: Grow: Victoria born at 3.3kg and length 49cm. Feeding: mix formula milk and breast milk. Mommy first colostrum 20ml at 5th day. Baby was feed 60ml till week 3 then 80ml at week 3 and week 4 every 2.5 to 3 hours. Night time: She woke up 2 times for milking during the night and was taken care by confinenent aunt. She slept at around 10pm after she lacthed till fall asleep. Development: She is very peaceful all the time. Confinement aunt like her so much because she can do more cooking and mommy can rest more. But some days baby stayed awake for 2 t...