2 to 3 Months Victoria

For Baby:
Victoria is 4.8kg and length 60cm now.

Baby feeding go up to 110ml to 120ml every 3 hourly. Baby was blessed with full breast feeding and still have 3 days stock in fridge.

Night time:
Baby Victoria slept a bit earlier now at around 11pm and her last feed at 11pm. She slept over the night and woke up in morning at 5.30am or later for milk then continue her sleep. She woke up only 1 or 2 times earlier than 5am. It is perfect but sometime she woke up at wrong timing for milk at 730am because it's the time I going to work and need to send her to baby sister house.

She is a happy baby and likes to say 'Er' and 'Ar' when she is in good mood.  She likes to smile. She smiles and laugh a lot at her baby sister aunt's house. Mostly because aunt like to talk and play with her. This make me started to get upset when baby don't smile to me when I called her. Maybe because I was busy all the time and did not play with her :(

She is excited every time we put her on her changing matte. She likes it.

She is now less fancy to pacifier at night but need us to hug her in upright position. She likes to raise up her head every time when she laid down.

She likes to chuk her hands, her booties get wet with her saliva and likes to pull out her left hand booties all the time. She is trying hard to turn to left herself and finally she make herself turn over at week 10. She will cry if her turn over is unsuccessful and her head can't hold up long.

Playing time:
Victoria had a second 3 days 3 nights trip to Mid Valley mall again at week 11. This time mommy went for course and her daddy taking care of her all the time. We let her in her carrier for the first time and she liked it alot because she can see front. She was very cooperative and get along well with her daddy all the time.

She started attract to her soft toy sound. It can calm her immediately when heard the sound.

For Mommy:
It is really a big challenge for mommy. First time to be a working mom and report duty to a new job at a newly set up company with mission as a head of department.  My brain totally cannot function on the first few days of work. Not enough rest and sleep, have to wake up early morning to pump milk before go to work and also wake up in mid night to pump milk. Lucky baby is very coorperative. She can sleep throughout the night and average wake up time for milk is at 530am to 7am then continue her sleep again.

During this first month back to work, everything is blur especially I just join this company and I have to rush for works to set up a pharmacy department in a hospital within a very limited time frame and deal with very unfamiliar coperate style without any guidance. Some days need to work till very late at home and once I have thinking to give up because of very tire and stressful.

At the same time. I still continue express out my milk once during lunch time and give full breast feeding to my baby. Lucky my company temporary operation is very near to nany aunt house. So I just pack my food then go her house to pump milk during lunch time and see Victoria. However,  some of the days I got delay of expressing out my milk at 1pm due to some meeting or dealing with my superior. So I got leaking and sore breast. Lucky the soreness get resolved very quickly after I gave Victoria latched.

At the week 11, for the first time I have a seperation with Victoria because I have to attend a 4 days training at Kuala Lumpur coperate office. Lucky I still have 3 days breast milk storage at home for Victoria.  Her super hero daddy taking care of her at night and she is very cooperative with her daddy when I am away! As usual I still continued to express out my milk and brought back many bags of milk for Victoria.

This month past very quickly. I also don't know what I had done in this month and have a very poor memory. Tend to be forgetive. But what I am happy is I can fit in all my pre-pregnancy pants and clothes at week 10! Really a very tough month for a new working mom at a new working environment to set up a new department alone at a newly open hospital.

I am really amazed myself and still insist to continue fully breast feeding Victoria whereby I believe breast milk is the best for baby. Unfortunately,  it is a big challenge for every breast feeding mom. Because a lot of companies and colleagues not show supportive to breast feeding mommy actually and will think breast feeding mom cannot perform and family always come more important than her career!  Some companies even not provide breast feeding space or not friendly to breast feeding mom. Breast feeding mom always need to sacrify her lunch time or cannot have lunch with other colleagues because mom needs to rush for pumping milk and at the same time eat her lunch. It is really not easy and without surprise a lot of mommy give up breast feeding when back to work. So I shall give myself a big clap. :)


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