12 -13 months

For baby:

Her weight is 8.4kg and height is 75cm.

Victoria is fed with rice , noodles and same food like we eat. She can sit on her high chair while eating. She still likes to through everything on floor still but not too messy like eating porridge. She likes to take and eat herself and sometimes try to feed others also. So I will give her some food, rice or biscuit to let her play and eat herself while feeding her. I gave her porridge few times too, She drinks less milk now. We give her 140ml to 160ml 4 times per day.

Night time:
Her sleeping time is more consistent now. She sleeps around 1030pm every night and no more nap after 8pm. She wakes up very consistent at 6am for milk milk but in between she will wake up between 1.30 am to 330am just wants to sleep on our bed and wants to latch to continue her sleep. She is more patient now to wait for her milk and would not cry like hell when waiting for her milk to warm up.

Victoria can listen to command and instruction now. She can do simple things like bring her clothes and pamper to thrown into the bin.

We brought her to Port Dickson Lexus Hibiscus with her cousin. She has her first and new floater ‘police car’. She was super happy and enjoyed to sit in police car in our room private pool.

Another word she can say is ‘na lai’. First we thought she called her grandmother ‘nai nai’. But her meaning ‘na la’ is she wants something.

She likes to play tape water when take bath and she sit in her bathtub. She uses her hand to get the water and drink the tape water. Sometimes she try to drink her bath water when she immerses in her bathtub.

Playing time:
She does not want to go in her playground. Even the door is open and unlocked she also refused to go in.

For Mommy:

Mommy have weight is 52kg now.

Daily milk production has been reduced and average per day 300ml to 400ml. This month mommy started to get into stress and back late for nearly more than a week because was busy to set up a retail at workplace. Mommy was unable to fed Victoria eats dinner. During the mid-night mommy could not wake up to pump milk and most of time waken up by Victoria when she wants milk.  I has skipped the mid night milk pumping because of too tire and just let Victoria latches.  


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