14- 15 months

For baby:

Her weight is 9kg and height 80cm.

Victoria likes to eat outside food and like new food. She likes adult biscuit than her baby biscuit. We feed her adult food when she eating with us. I still cooked her dinner but without fish or meat because mommy did not buy frozen fish or meat. So we gave our fish or meat when we eat outside. Without fail, I still give her some DHA supplement to add in her food (but she does not like it). She eats pasta, roti canai, pastry, fried chicken and everything we eat.

She drinks 150ml 2 times a day. Mommy breast milk was not enough finally. Victoria has to drink formula milk started this month at 15 months. But she did not drink much now. She was fever and follow by more than a week diarrhea. Her appetite was drop dramatically and refused to eat and drink milk powder during her diarrhea. But she can drink breast milk 150ml 2 times a day at her baby sister house. She refused to bottle feed or milk powder before sleep. After she recovered from her diarrhea, we introduced her with some sample of different brand formula milk because mommy breast milk only 180ml to 300ml daily and enough supply for her 300ml per day.

Night time:
She sleep around 1030pm now after latching. She refused formula milk or bottle milk at night, So I just breastfeed her. After she getting enough, she will continue to play and smile or go to sleep. She wakes up less frequent over the night compare to last month, she woke up 2 times per night and quickly get into sleep again after latching. She can sleep on her bed. Most of times she sleeps half of her body on our bed and half of her body in her bed after latching over the night. She does not like to lay flat on bed. Funny kid.

Victoria can walk independently very fast and stable. She seem like ready to run! She likes to play pee-a-boo, hide and seek now. She laughs more and can play herself with anything.

She put her hand on her chest to show us she is scare or when we say ‘pa pa’.

She is scare to see flurry puppet but she likes to look at the cats and dogs when we were eating at coffee shop.

When she cry and get angry, we can hear she pronounces a long sentences x%$@#*& , sound like trying to say something or scold us.  Is time for her to ready to talk in long sentences? We looking forward to see how fast she can make it.

 She has chances to travel a lot this month. We have a KL trip again and stay at mid valley. She was happy and excited when we check in the hotel room and she got hotel complimentary baby cot. She sleep well in baby cot over the night.

Victoria and mommy flew back to Penang again. She was sleeping in the plane. She can play herself in the hall when at Penang home. But she still cannot let her mommy to drive and she sits with her grandparent. Brought her and my parent to a high class 5 star hotel for afternoon tea, lucky she can behave, sit quietly on high chair and did not cry or throw the food everywhere. Mommy was carry her in her carrier to join the Wesak’s parade in Penang this year. She was enjoying to see lots of people and flower car. She shown scare when seeing the lion dance. Maybe because of the loud drum.

This poor baby was having a very prolong diarrhea for more than a week after her fever and cough. Her buttock was painful and the worst is her shit was leaking on the bed when at Penang home. She has totally no appetite to eat. We noticed her back teeth has grown out, so that is why she get fever and diarrhea badly.

Brought her to swimming pool again, she walked freely in kid pool without we hold her. She likes water and did not want to come up!

We bought her a small children chair from Ikea. She likes to sit on it. Climb up and down.

She no longer sit in walker. Because she likes to climb out from walker to sofa.

Playing time:
She still likes to open drawer  and take the things out.

She still likes to throw things out whatever she don’t want including her food when we feed her.

She still likes to play with her shoe and open it and sometimes eat them.

She still likes to cap and recap her milk bottle. She uses her teeth to open the cap.

For Mommy:

Mommy have weight is 51kg now.

Daily milk production has been reduced and average per day 180ml to 300ml. I has reduce the frequency of pumping milk. 2 to 3 times per day and direct feed her at mid night and early morning before work and sometime during night before sleeping time.


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