Valerie 3- 4 months

For baby:

Victoria weight 4.05kg and lenght 57cm.

Valerie was fed with 100 to 120ml 3 hourly. She is kind of taking plenty time to finish one bottle of milk. At her baby sister house, she can finish in 15 -20 minutes 120ml milk. But when come to me, she will take more than 30 minutes or some time even 1 hour time to bottle feed her.

Valerie was taking around around 650ml per day. And mommy production is around 700ml. So mommy still have average 1 bag balance of milk to be frozen each day.

I started to let her direct latch at night before sleep at 10pm and another breast milk collect in silicone milk collector while she latched on left breast. I will feed her some of the collected milk after latching. Most of time she refuses to latch and cry badly when the milk come out. Mommy feeling so weird why baby doesn't like to latch while my first daughter like to latch.

Night time:
Valerie slept around 1030pm when mommy ready go to sleep. Most of time she sleeps until 530am to 630am To ask for milk. Sometime she woke up when I transfer her from her bed to my car.

Valerie smiles and laughs loudly when people talk or play with her. She will cry if we not hug her up right. She makes noise sometime if cannot see someone around. She cried more compare to previous months for whatever reason and she wants hug hug. She will stop immediately when saw mommy to hug her. She behave most likely like her sister Victoria, but she smile more when you have any eye contact with her.

She likes to suck her hand and fingers inside her mouth. She also likes to hold her legs up and eat her foot. She likes to hold mommy hair and daddy necklace very tightly.

She can hold her feeding bottle herself sometimes when feeding.

She responses to potty training at her nanny house.

Most of time she will cry when she felt sleepy or ready to sleep.

Playing time:
She attracted to her colourful books and stared and hold it when we gave her look at the books.

She likes to sit in her carrier more than in her stroller now. She raises up her head very oftenly when hugging her.  I is curious and wants to see things and follow her sister. She laughed when her sister play with her.

For Mommy:
My weight was stagnant at 55kg.  Milk production stable at around 700ml per day with pumping 5 time a day including one time during lunch at work. Most of the time the morning 7am pumping before work won't yield too much milk. Only 10-30ml. Maybe because of the rushing, so the milk doesn't come out!!!

Mommy handle 2 kids at home after work while waiting daddy to come back. The elder daughter like to give trouble and she wants to do thing by her own and left some messy to let mommy clean for her.


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