Kingston 4-5 months

For baby:

Kingston weight 5.5kg and lenght 60cm.

Kingston was fed with 140ml-160ml 3 hourly. I direct feed her at 10pm as her last milk before sleep. He has no burp now after feeding.

I feed him every morning 7am when I woke up. He has certain time can’t finish 140ml.

I will let her direct feed on my rest day. He will get 3 times bottle feed and 4 times latching a day. 

Night time:
He used to cry after 8pm and shower because its sleeping time. He’s crying then will fall asleep. He will then wake up at 9pm then sleep again at 10pm after latching.

He will wake up at 3-4am to ask for milk. I let her latching and he will continue sleep after awhile. Sometimes he will like to continue sleep in our bed.

Kingston is very curious to her surrounding and will join his sister to play. He will sleep less when someone around or when bring him to somewhere. He will distract himself while latching and turn towards voices.

He wants to carry all the time in up right position. He will cry if we left her alone there.

He will open up his  arms and kicking his legs when he is asking for someone to carry. He will smile or laugh to you when you call him or talking with him.

He likes to see what other doing now.

He likes to eat and suck his thumb and his small towel now. He will holding his small towel and looking at it.

He can sit with assistant at this month.

Playing time:
He likes to grab things around him.

For Mommy:
Mommy milk supply still maintain and over supply of 100-200ml per day. 


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