Kingston 12- 13 months
For baby:
Grow:Her weight is 9.5 kg and height is 64cm.
Kingston is fed with rice , noodles and same food like we eat. At aunt house she stil given rice cook with soup. He sit on high chair but would like to stand up after awhile. He likes to play with folk and spoon with bowl while we give her food. He likes to feed himself with spoon. He will laugh happy when we hold him feed himself. He likes to throw things on the floor and find it fun. He likes to play and walk around when we feed him. He eat lesser but more snack food whatever we eat. He likes to eat fruit. He feels weird when first time he ate cold ice-cream and refuse later on. He given durian.
Night time:
He drinks half of milk 60-80ml when our dinner time and I keep the balance 40-60ml after his shower. He will ask to latch before he going sleep. He will latch again after we off room light and going to bed time. She still will wake up between 1.30 am to 330am just wants to sleep on our bed and wants to latch to continue his sleep. He stil will wake up many times throughout the night, 3-5 times per night. He will wake up at 5-6+am to latch again.
Kingston can walk independently at 1years old 2 week. He can walk Steadily at 1y 3week. First he kicks his leg to refuse to wear shoes.
Kingston can listen to command and instruction now. He can understand us now. He can do simple things like bring his clothes and pamper to thrown into the bin.
He likes to play water and get in and out from bathtub when shower, play at swimming pool and playground. He wants to get down to walk himself. He likes to play tape water and carry all his toys and walk here and there.
He stil can’t say more words, only ‘mon mon’ mean to eat, ‘ah ma ma’ mean mother. But he can understand most of time.
Playing time:
He likes to play toys whenever there is toys or something. He will grab for it or put in mouth. He will take it and walk around. He always get cry when his sister grab his toys when he is playing. He will pass you things that he is holding when you asking for it.
He likes to throw the dirty clothes on the floor into the basket.
Playing time:
He likes to play toys whenever there is toys or something. He will grab for it or put in mouth. He will take it and walk around. He always get cry when his sister grab his toys when he is playing.
He likes to throw the dirty clothes on the floor into the basket.
He likes to climb up the stool or chair or table or sofa or bed now. He will carry the stool around and climb up on it to look for something on the kitchen top. He climbs up the sofa to look for things behind the sofa.
He likes to walk in and out here and there throughout the day.
He will cry and call when we calling to make a move. Maybe he scare he will be left behind us.
For Mommy:
He likes to walk in and out here and there throughout the day.
He will cry and call when we calling to make a move. Maybe he scare he will be left behind us.
For Mommy:
Mommy have weight maintain 51kg.
Daily milk production has been reduced and average per day 350- 450ml even the number of pumping stil same 2 time during work day. No pumping at all during rest day.
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