Kingston 14- 15 months
For baby:
His weight is 9.5kg and height 73cm.
He is drinking lesser. He takes 300ml at his nanny house. He eats all our food. Snacks, biscuits, ice-cream, chocolate and outside food. He sometimes doesn’t like spongy food like kuey, cakes, bread.
Night time:
He sleeps at around 10pm after latching. He doesn’t drink much bottle milk. But he likes to grab his sister’s milk bottle and bite on it. He wakes up 3-5 times throughout the night and want to sleep next to us
He will go bare foot to walk outside the house and garden when I open the door to hang clothes.
He will follow his sisters to come out go up the car when I calling for sisters to get up car. He likes to hold something on his hand. He doesn’t want to sit in his car seat anymore. He will cry and stiff body to refuse.
He can climb from back seat to front now.
He still can’t speak any word other than mama and mom mom (eat)
Playing time:
He likes to open drawer and take the things out.
Playing time:
He likes to open drawer and take the things out.
He will leave the thing from his hand whatever things he doesn’t want.
He started to get fighting with his sister. Fight for toys and pulling his sister hair.
He likes to walk by himself.
He likes to play in playground and slides.
He likes to play in playground and slides.
He will call you and point at it whatever he wants to eat or take.
He likes to play his sister milk bottle and bite and grab it when saw his sister is drinking milk.
He likes to climb up and down our bed and table and chair..
For Mommy:
For Mommy:
Mommy have weight is 53kg now.
Daily milk production has been reduced to 300ml. I will direct feed her when I’m off and during night.
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